The Archive

The Bigger Picture Archive Project is uncovering and digitising footage of local community events in Shropshire, Herefordshire and Mid Wales. People are being asked to hunt in their cupboards for old home made movies and send them in to the project, where they will be digitised and uploaded to the Online Memory Map below.

With the changing face of our communities, this project explores some of the history, customs and events within living memory and is connecting them with present day communities. As well as creating the online map, films are being screened in a series of Memories on Film events at local venues.

The Bigger Picture Archive Project is also working with the Huntley Archive in Herefordshire, the Midlands Archive for Central England and the Welsh Film Archive. It has been made possible thanks to funding from Heritage Lottery Fund and BFI Audience Network Hubs.

If you or someone you know has a film you think may be suitable please email:[email protected]

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