The Color Purple (2023) (12a)

Director Blitz Bazawule. Drama/Musical

A musical coming of age tale of love, resilience and one women’s journey to independence from producers Steven Spielberg, Quincy Jones and Oprah Winfrey. The Color Purple focuses on Celie, an African-American women who faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.

Starring Fantasia Barrino, Alice Walker, Danielle Brooks

Flicks Advisor (comments from our film promoters)

Powerful and beautifully filmed

Brilliant cast and excellent production and cinematography. Very positive feedback from the audience whether they had read the book or not. We were not sure what to expect from the inclusion of music in the story, but felt it was quite enhanced by it, and of very high quality.


Adult: £5.00  Child: £3.00 

7.30 pm

Running Time

There will be an interval during this film

07429 237955

Extra Event Information
Interval - tea, coffee, biscuits and ice creams are available during the interval plus wine is being served before the film as well as during the interval… and a free film related prize draw !

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