My Week With Marilyn (15)

Director Simon Curtis Biog/Drama

The true story of a star-struck boy who falls in love with the biggest celebrity in the world, Marilyn Monroe. 23-year-old Colin Clark was determined to break into the film business and his first job was The Prince and The Showgirl--the film that was set to be the smash hit of the year famously uniting the biggest stars of the day, Marilyn Monroe and Sir Laurence Olivier.

Starring Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne, Kenneth Branagh, Judi Dench

Flicks Advisor (comments from our film promoters)

Lovely film. Great for Flicks (despite some use of the F word!).

So much is known about her life that one or two members of the audience were not sufficiently entertained by the story, the majority however really enjoyed the film, well cast and acted.

A good Village Hall film. Everyone liked it very much.

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Adult: £5.00 

7.30 pm

Running Time

There will be an interval during this film

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