That They May Face The Rising Sun (15)

Director Pat Collins. Irish Drama

That They May Face the Rising Sun is an adaptation of the final novel from John McGahern, one of Ireland's greatest novelists. Joe and Kate Ruttledge have returned from London to live and work among a small, rural, lakeside community in Ireland near to where Joe grew up. Now deeply embedded in the life around the lake, the drama of a year in their lives and those of the memorable characters that move about them unfolds through the rituals of work, play and the passing seasons as this enclosed world becomes an everywhere.

Starring Barry Ward, Anna Bederke, Ruth McCabe

Flicks Advisor (comments from our film promoters)

beauty, gentle considered pace moving, thoughtful, about people, place, and quiet life choices .

A Marmite film. The majority of the audience loved it but a small number didn't like it at all. A few people struggled with some of the rural, Irish accents, but most people didn't find it a problem. All loved the location and the beautifully filmed scenery.


Adult: £6.00  Child: £3.00 

7.30 pm

Running Time

07960 726717

Extra Event Information
Doors and bar open at 7:00pm.

Please obtain tickets by phoning the enquiries number